Mr. Andrew Maxwell

  • Teacher

  • Fluent in Thai

We have in high regard the experience and confidence of Mr. Andrew Maxwell, Australian born citizen that has vast knowledge of teaching abroad. His skill as a teacher of English in a foreign country has made him a favourite amongst his student. He can clearly identify the problems his students face when studying the English comprehension, giving them the means and the ways of improving their language skills by being attentive and understanding. He is well liked amongst his peers and comes highly rated.

Mr. Andrew Maxwell has been teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) for over 17 years. From 2003 to 2014, he taught English and various other subjects in Thailand, mostly in the international school sector. Since moving back to Australia in 2014, he has taught English to migrants from different countries around the world. He has also spent the last 3 years teaching English to international students coming to Australia to study at the University of NSW in Sydney and the Australian National University in Canberra.

Mr. Andrew is a fully qualified ESL teacher. He has a Master of Applied Linguistics with a specialisation in TESOL and a Bachelor of Arts.