English for Academic Purposes

If you want to improve your English skills for further study in Australia, our English For Academic Purposes courses can help you.

Academic English can be very different to the English you use every day. Even if you speak English well in conversation, it might be difficult to understand the new words and structures used in university or another academic setting.

In this course, you will develop skills in academic proficiency and literacy in English. You will find it easier to understand and participate in your university course. If you complete the English for Academic Purposes course successfully, you will be able to use English in a variety of academic contexts and take responsibility for your progress with little support from teachers.

You will learn skills in four main areas:

Reading and listening

    • Note-taking strategies for lectures and tutorials

    • Analysis of reading text structures

    • Techniques for speed reading, skimming and scanning

Speaking and writing

    • Planning, drafting and editing reports and essays

    • Effective communication in tutorials

    • Pronunciation and voice training for presentations and seminars

    • Active participation in group projects

    • Bibliographic and in-text referencing

Critical thinking

    • Analysis of tertiary assessment tasks

    • Research skills

    • Learner independence

    • Intercultural communication

Culture of higher education in Australia:

    • Expectations of Australian lecturers and tutors

    • Time management skills

    • Using technology in learning and production

    • How to avoid plagiarism.

Your learning outcomes

Our course content is high quality and relevant, and we work with you to make sure you reach a level of English ready for further study.


Know how to analyse reading texts and interpret assessment tasks


Structure your reports and essays effectively


Confident note-taking for lectures and tutorials


Participate in group projects and present confidently